The season of Advent is fast approaching! You are invited to stay after church on November 24th for a Advent/Christmas Decorating Pizza Party!
Attention: Ladies & Gents. You are invited to our Christmas Potluck Luncheon which will be held at the church on Wednesday, December 4. Arrive at 11:45 so our luncheon can commence at noon. Please bring some lunch to share (salad, main course, dessert) Tea and coffee will be provided. There are sign-up sheets in the foyer and the coffee room. It is helpful for those setting up to know approximate numbers. Following lunch we will enjoy a short meeting followed by some Christmas Fun.
On Friday December 13th, Knox is hosting an Advent Movie Night starting at 7pm. We will view the Veggie Tales production “The Start of Christmas” which is suitable for all ages. Popcorn will be provided!
The Advent Choir have begun and will continue each Sunday following church during the month of November. There’s some lovely music to share – Light the Advent Candle – this has 5 verses – short and one per week. Come, Now Rejoice!, Carol of the Angels, Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!, People Look East, Lullaby for the Holy Child. Are you excited? I hope so. Come and enjoy!
An afternoon of music and fun presented by FOGG—Five Old Guys and a Gal singing songs that we can remember. November 17th at 2pm — free will offering with all funds in support of Andy’s House Hospice.
Christmas Benevolence Your financial support is needed to help families in the Christmas Season by marking your offering envelope “Christmas Benevolence”, also if you know of a family who could use our assistance, speak with Rev. Heather.
Bracebridge’s Out of the Cold program offers hot meals, produce, and toiletries on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This ministry is based out of Bracebridge United Church but is run by volunteers from several churches and community groups. Volunteers assist in the kitchen with meal preparation or help with set up/serving/clean up. Please see Rev. Heather if you’d like to help out.
The BUC-Knox Refugee Partnership is pleased to announce that the fundraising goal to sponsor the Janbali Family has been met! Thank you to everyone for your generosity and prayers. We continue to await an arrival date for the family, which could still be several months away.
Help choose the songs we sing at Knox! You’re invited to write down your hymn requests in the purple binder at the back of the sanctuary and our Worship Planning Committee will endeavour to include your suggestions in our coming worship services.
Communication Rev. Heather sends out a weekly email with information about our upcoming worship services along with details about other activities taking place at Knox. If you are not on her email list, and would like to be, please contact Heather after the service or simply email your request to heatheratknoxpres(at)gmail(dot)com
Knox Presbyterian Church follows the “Leading With Care” requirements of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, providing a safe and encouraging environment for children and vulnerable adults.
E-Transfers You are now able to donate to Knox electronically. If you are set up to bank online you are able to set up Knox as a “Payee” and e-transfer your donation using Knox’s email (