
Elaine is inviting us all to plan on staying for a special coffee hour after worship on March 9th to celebrate Rev. Ken Heron’s 90th birthday.

Rev. Heather is holding a Lent mid-week study called “Reading Between the Lines” on Wednesdays at 1 pm, starting March 12th and concluding April 9th. This study will be offered in person and on Zoom.

 ATTENTION: You are all invited to our Shrove Tuesday “Pancake Supper” which will be held at the Church on Tuesday, March 4th, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm with proceeds going to Presbyterians Sharing. Please mark your calendars and plan on coming. It will be fun.

We are able to place another order for our Knox150 celebration clothing. We have been told that the pricing will remain the same as before if we are able to submit an order of at least 50 items. Please see John Malnick for information.

Congregation Breakfast  will take place on Saturday,  March 1st at 8:30 am.  Sign up sheets can be found in the Foyer and the Coffee Room.  If planning on attending, please jot your name down so that the organizers can prepare adequately. This months speaker TBA.

It’s 2025 and Knox is 150 years old!  We will be celebrating in a variety of ways throughout the year, thanks to the planning of our Knox150 Committee. One project we are working on is a memory book that will be filled with your stories and memories about Knox. Whether you’ve been attending for decades or are a newcomer, we’d love to hear your stories about what life at Knox means for you. You can email Heather your stories which will be shared throughout the year and will also be included in a special booklet to be available later in the year.

The Knox150 committee is also working on many other celebrations; one of which includes a new cross banner for our worship space. It is now on display in the sanctuary with another one to be erected outside on the front of the church when the weather cooperates. Thanks so much to John Malnick and the Knox150 team for making this possible.

Bracebridge’s Out of the Cold program offers hot meals, produce, and toiletries on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This ministry is based out of Bracebridge United Church but is run by volunteers from several churches and community groups. Volunteers assist in the kitchen with meal preparation or help with set up/serving/clean up. Please see Rev. Heather if you’d like to help out.

The BUC-Knox Refugee Partnership is pleased to announce that the fundraising goal to sponsor the Janbali Family has been met! Thank you to everyone for your generosity and prayers. We continue to await an arrival date for the family, which could still be several months away.

Help choose the songs we sing at Knox! You’re invited to write down your hymn requests in the purple binder at the back of the sanctuary and our Worship Planning Committee will endeavour to include your suggestions in our coming worship services.

Communication  Rev. Heather sends out a weekly email with information about our upcoming worship services along with details about other activities taking place at Knox. If you are not on her email list, and would like to be, please contact Heather after the service or simply email your request to heatheratknoxpres(at)gmail(dot)com

Knox Presbyterian Church follows the “Leading With Care” requirements of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, providing a safe and encouraging environment for children and vulnerable adults.

E-Transfers  You are now able to donate to Knox electronically.  If you are set up to bank online you are able to set up Knox as a “Payee” and e-transfer your donation using Knox’s email (