No guilt, no regret, no shame this Lenten season. Instead, we're going to celebrate our "good enough" lives with a sermon series called Good Enough. In this first Sunday of…

Feb. 20th – Hallelujah

February 20, 2022
Sometimes we're so preoccupied by the distractions of these challenging times that we miss out on "hallelujah moments" that are right before our eyes. Join our service to rest, pause,…

Feb. 13th – Where do I go?

February 13, 2022
The sitcom Seinfeld gave us several words and catch-phrases that have made their way into our everyday vocabulary. Today, we look at one of Seinfeld's words which has less to…

Feb. 6th – Selah

February 6, 2022
We begin our "Catching Our Breath" sermon series with a conversation about how climbing stairs, doing dishes, a Vietnamese monk, and words from the Psalmist help us to discover "selah"…