Nov. 28 – Advent Hope

November 28, 2021
We experienced a few little technical glitches as we work out our new audio/video equipment, but we pray that this is a blessing to you. This is the first Sunday…
In today's worship service, we look at the story of Hannah as we travel through this troubling pandemic time and we discover that hope can be a most powerful guiding…
Remembering involves looking back at what was, but also involves looking forward to what could be. In our service today, we engage in the act of remembering to envision a…
This is World Communion Sunday and we join with communities of faith around the globe in celebrating the sacrament that unites us all. During today's service, we will pray together…
Today we worship online AND in-person! We conclude our Re-Imagine sermon series with a conversation about how God's Kingdom is often hiding in plain sight, right before our very eyes,…