This is a tough time. A time when many of us are feeling lonely and anxious. We are all in need of a friend. In today's service, we learn how…
We are living in a time when we are always looking forward. We look forward to hugs, handshakes, and visits. We look forward to concerts, movies, and theatre. We look…
We have seen such violence, chaos, and insurgency this week - in the midst of the ongoing pandemic - and we may be asking, "What, then, should we do?" This…
This is the first Sunday of a brand new year! It's also Epiphany Sunday AND we conclude our Those Who Dream sermon series. Today, we ask the question, "what is…
On this final Sunday of 2020, we gather to consider what the new year may have in store. Will things go back to 'normal'? Will the pandemic remain with us?…
Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your family! Our Knox Christmas Eve service is filled with music, scripture, and lessons - along with a few musical surprises. Be sure…
We have transitioned back to online-only worship at Knox Bracebridge as the number of COVID cases continues to rise in our region. Even through we are unable to gather physically,…
In this morning's worship service, we continue our Those Who Dream sermon series with an exploration of the joy that is shared through Mary's Song - the Magnificat.
It is the second Sunday of Advent when we light the candle of peace. In today's service, we also celebrate the sacrament of communion. You're invited to gather some bread…
The season of Advent begins today as we light the candle of hope and begin a new sermon series called "Those Who Dream." During this season, we'll be exploring music,…