Creation is a true resurrection story! The earth has been created to heal and renew itself, if only given a chance. Today we discuss how we can partner with God…
We begin a new sermon series today called Resurrection Stories, discovering how the gift of resurrection was not just a supernatural event of two thousand years ago, but new life…
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! In today's service, we discuss what those words could possibly mean for us today, and how we can live as Easter People.
We sit and rest in the darkness of this day, taking in its solemnity and sorrow, while also asking the question, "Is it finished?"
Service, humility, and love - all displayed through the events of Maundy Thursday. By sharing a meal with friends, even one who would betray him - and washing their feet,…
We enter Holy Week waving our palm branches and shouting "Hosanna!" I wonder if we've ever considered that when we engage in these ancient rituals of our faith, we are…
In order to lift UP from the ground and rise UP into the sky, hot air balloons must endure the heat of fire. In today's message, we examine how Jesus…
There are certain passages of scripture that have become known as "clobber verses" - used to clobber people over the head to prove a certain point of view. The passage…
There are times when it is valid to get riled up, especially if we see injustice, inequality, and oppression. As we continue our What are we UP to? Lenten sermon…
What a wonderful time we had worshipping with the youth and leaders from 1st and 3rd Bracebridge Scouting this morning! We celebrated Scouting Sunday, learned a new song, enjoyed an…