What's UP? That's the question we'll be exploring through the season of Lent as we discover ways to connect with God, one another, and creation by getting UP to something…
We conclude our Known and Called sermon series with a conversation about how God is experienced as we gather and scatter - gathering in our sacred spaces to see the…
There are so many in need of healing - people, systems, governments, our world. Jesus taught a way of healing and wholeness, and as followers of those teachings we are…
We have become a fickle people. It takes a lot to astound and amaze us these days. But as we discover in today's service, when we follow Jesus' teachings to…
Antiphonal singing follows a call and response format - one section sings a call and the other section sings a response. When Jesus calls his disciples to follow him, he's…
We begin a new sermon series - Known and Called - contemplating who we are and who we are to be. Being KNOWN relates to our identity (who we are),…
We begin the new year and we end our "How Does a Weary World Rejoice" sermon series with a reminder that we - every single one of us - are…
The new year is just a few hours away and we may be feeling a little uncertain about what it may hold. Today we discuss how rooting ourselves in ritual…
On this Christmas Eve, we gather to sing the familiar songs and hear the ancient scriptures and discover how we can "make room" for this old, old story to transform…
With Advent 4 falling on Christmas Eve this year, we get to have two celebrations in one day! In this morning's service, we light the candle of love and answer…