We have a tendency to create boxes, allowing some people in while keeping others out. But today we're encouraged the soften the corners of our box and turn it into…
The first Easter sent ripples out into Creation that have made their way to us. Today we discuss how Jesus' commission to the disciples is now our commission and we're…
We celebrate that the tomb is empty and that which was inside has been set free! In our Easter service, we acknowledge the 'stones' that may block us from embracing…
As Jesus suffered on the cross, the victim of a system of oppression and persecution, he uttered, "It is Finished." But is it, really? In today's service, we sit awhile…
We listen for God's voice in the words of Jesus' "High Priestly Prayer" of John 17, and also in the sacrament of communion. Those joining from home are invited to…
The week that lies ahead - Holy Week - will be filled with highs and lows, laughter and tears. Much like our human experience. We take the first steps of…
Our Lenten journey continues with a focus on "listening" - listening for God's voice and discovering our own. Today we discuss the importance of creating time and space to set…
Prayer is such a mystery. How does it work? Why are some prayers seemingly answered while others aren't? Why should I pray if God knows what I need anyway? These…
The Bible has been referred to as an instruction manual, cookbook, or a pattern. It has been used to build others up, but also to tear others down. But what if…
We will take about 26,000 or so breaths today, most of us without even being aware of it. Breathing keeps us alive - physically, but also spiritually. Today we explore…