We have witnessed this past week how some news stories can capture the attention of the world while other equally important issues barely garner a mention. As leaders we are…
Firefighters from around the world have arrived in Canada to help fight the wildfires still raging in many of our provinces - some of them singing as they serve. As…
We begin a new sermon series today called "Leading = Following" and we learn from the leadership provided by the new Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada during last…
Fire and Wind are sources of destruction - but are also packed with power and potential. On this Pentecost Sunday, we discuss how WE are able to unleash this same…
We continue our There IS Hope sermon series with a conversation about casting our cares on God. But in times of suffering, those can seem like very trite words -…
God's fingerprints are all over us - all people, all of creation. Thus, it behooves us to treat all people and all things with dignity and respect, as if we…
We have a tendency to create boxes, allowing some people in while keeping others out. But today we're encouraged the soften the corners of our box and turn it into…
The first Easter sent ripples out into Creation that have made their way to us. Today we discuss how Jesus' commission to the disciples is now our commission and we're…
We celebrate that the tomb is empty and that which was inside has been set free! In our Easter service, we acknowledge the 'stones' that may block us from embracing…
As Jesus suffered on the cross, the victim of a system of oppression and persecution, he uttered, "It is Finished." But is it, really? In today's service, we sit awhile…