April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday – A “Both/And Dance”

Passage: Luke 24:1-12

Happy Easter!

Despite the pandemic and the recent provincial shut-down order, we still celebrate the miracle of Easter and discover anew the hope that is promised in the empty tomb. Today, we also begin a new sermon series called “Dare to Dance Again” as we enter into a fragile, but beautiful, “both/and” dance – with God and with each other as dance partners. Keep an eye out for a cameo appearance from a little friend during the introduction to today’s service 😉

The music in today’s service is provided by:

Paul Gockel – organist at Knox

Liz Brown – Knox’s harpist

PraiseHymn choir

Resurrection Hymns singers

Lee Ann Womack

and Gene Kelly!

Our focus passage is Luke 24:1-12 read by Rev. Michael Barnes