Oct. 31 – Reformation Day/All Saints Sunday
Yes, it IS Halloween day, but it’s also Reformation Day; an important day in the life of the church when we commemorate the actions of Martin Luther over 500 years ago which ushered in the Protestant Reformation. In our service today, we wonder what aspects of our lives and our churches might be in need of re-forming again.
This is also the day before All Saints Day and in our service we will dedicate our memorial plaques to honour those from our congregation and community who have passed away in the last while and whose memories have been honoured with a donation to the ministry at Knox. All of the music we will share today – and in the coming two weeks – has been requested by you to honour those who have served as a “saint” in your lives. We are thankful for this opportunity to remember our saints while reflecting upon how we can serve as a saint to others.