Unfortunately, there was a problem with the audio in this service. The hymns and videos can be heard without any difficulty, but the readings/children's time/sermon/prayers are very difficult to hear.…
What is church? A building? The people? The answer to both of those question is yes - the church is a place, but the church is also a people. We…
Today we begin a worship series about worship. Sounds sort of redundant, or even unnecessary, but when we examine what we do and how we do it, perhaps we'll have…
We were joined by some of our Compassion Campers this morning who shared with us some of the music, crafts, and teachings we discovered during our week of Compassion Camp.…
I wonder how our world would be different if we thought of compassion as a verb. If we put our "thoughts and prayers" into action - practical, helpful action. We…
We conclude our Faces of our Faith sermon series reading the personal mail of the apostle Paul; specifically, the letter to his friend, Philemon. Through this letter, we are challenged…
Some people courageously live out their faith, serving as a shining light in the community. Others may have good intentions, but their implementation is a bit off. As we discover…