Again this week, we ask the question, "How Does a Weary World Rejoice?" and we respond with - we allow ourselves to be amazed. Even in a weary world, there…
How does a weary world rejoice? On this 2nd Sunday of Advent, we answer that question with - we find joy in connection. But as we discuss in today's service,…
There once was a time when only a very specialized few were permitted to serve as God's presence in the community. They were anointed - set apart - for this…
Music connects with our hearts and souls in a profound way, helping us to "pray twice." Today, we honour our retiring organist, Paul Gockel, who has shared his music ministry…
Our lives our woven with people, organizations, and systems that bring us joy and give us purpose, but some ties that bind us are complicated and difficult. What, then, do…
Connections are what life is all about. There are so many ties that bind us to one another, the Creator, and creation. Today we begin a sermon series called The…
Not all heroes are faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, or are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. In fact most of our…
We often refer to our congregation as our "church family" but we also belong to a larger extended family through our affiliation with The Presbyterian Church in Canada. In partnership…
Tomorrow (Oct. 16th) is World Food Day when we consider issues such as hunger and food insecurity and discover ways in which we can share. Today, we are aware of…
On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we discuss the very subtle difference between thanksgiving and gratitude, using Paul's letter to the Philippians and the book Braiding Sweetgrass as our guide. We discover…